Monday, December 12, 2005

Revenge of the nerds

I've finally got my realplayer plugin to work on Mozilla. If you don't know what that means you're probably completely normal. It took about 12 hours.
It would be nice to think that each new distribution of Linux allows easier configuration and auto-installation. But no.

To install realplayer you get the appropriate self extracting package thingy and install it. That's fine and gives you a stand alone realplayer. But to allow Mozzie to use it as a plugin you copy various obscurely named files to equally obscurely named directories and then ensure that /usr/local/RealPlayer/realplay is in your environment path (by editing /etc/profile of course - why didn't I think of that earlier)

Spit snarl swear curse mutter

It's actually been a good day. Our project management folk were up and, totally co-incidentally the guy from planning decided to drop in unannounced. As I said to Q*** if we'd arranged that something would have gone wrong.
Anyway, the planning guy was very positive - no major issues and we've okayed the first block of work to start mid January. You can read about that in another place


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