Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pheasantly pleased

A chap who's a loader on one of the shoots nearby comes into our bar occasionally. Shamefully I don't know his name, but he promised us a brace of pheasants and they duly arrived just after new year. The old meat store has a large iron frame festooned with pointy hooks for hanging bits of meat from. We hung them up there and left them.

On advice, we decided to simply remove the breasts and ditch the remainder since gutting a 10 day old bird didn't sound like fun. The procedure was quite simple apart from the inevitability of stabbing my finger with the scalpel blade I was using. (Memo to self - buy some decent knives)

A very good night in the bar for a Wednesday. Our Polish friends Magda and Thomas from the Jedforest hotel along with Neil their new chef turned up and finished the first crate of Polish beer. Fortunately fresh supplies arrived this morning.


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