Monday, April 03, 2006

Easter in Scotland (now go home)

Sunny today, with occasional showers of rain, hail, sleet, plagues of frogs, gnats, flies and locusts. Just another normal spring day really.

With the smoking ban implemented, it's time to brighten up the public bar. It's currently dark and dingy with dark wood panelling on the walls and nicotine coloured paint on the ceiling. We're going to brighten it up and put clear glass in the back bar.

Building work still scheduled for just after Easter. Brief phone call with V*** and D**** today, but no news on the planning application.

Other news - Much energy has been wasted trying to get my webcam to work with amsn. It now sends a picture, though not a very good one. I probably should have used the time more profitably. Playing web sudoku or something.


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