Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lies, damn lies and completion dates

I don't know why I even bother to write "so and so work will be finished on such and such a day" because I know it won't happen and you know it won't happen. The temporary partition is still there although the reasons for its continued existence are good - they don't want to remove it until the new cornices are fitted because that's likely to generate some dust. The person who'll be doing cornice work was here today, hauled off a length of cornice to take a mould from and will be back, hopefully this week.

Meanwhile in the old kitchen the ventilation system is nearly complete. The installer had forgotten to write down the length of steel required, had cut it to size from memory and, well, you guess the rest! He'll be back sometime this week with a correctly measured piece. There's a new ceiling in the kitchen corridor, work is being done on the walls - no nasty surprises there thankfully - and the old central heating pipe was cut out with an angle grinder which made the most revolting smell of burning metal and burning wood.

I have switched off the cellar cooler and will start on a redesign tomorrow. There are two problems - condensation and lack of cooling power. I have salvaged some offcuts of the laminated wallboard from the kitchen and will add lots of pipe insulation and rockwool to try to prevent the condensation problem and I will add a second fan convector to double the size of the heat exchanger. If I could find the third one I'd add it too - it's somewhere about....

No pics today - none of today's progress is particularly photogenic.


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