Thursday, November 23, 2006

To the wire and beyond

Busybusybusy. That's been us (and everyone else) today. The new furniture arrived in pouring rain and some unwitting bar customers who thought they'd come in for a quiet pint found themselves heaving big pieces of furniture up the stairs (while the carpet fitters were gluing carpets down.

Meanwhile the joiners have been joining, the decorators have been decorating, the plumber has been plumbing and the alarm people have been...

We spent the evening shifting some of the furniture into position. There's been a considerable time between our ordering the furniture and it's arriving. That means that a) we've forgotten what we ordered and b) we've forgotten where it was meant to go. Also we only intended to have minibars in two rooms because they're expensive, but then a load of second hand ones became available and we got one for each room.

Still to do - Plumber (of course) has to fit the shower screen in 3 and 4. Minor joinery remaining in all rooms. The big four poster bed has to go back in 9. The old furniture that we left in room 5 have to be moved out.

No pics tonight - We took a few today but I'm on the wrong computer and it takes time to resize them and post them onto Photobucket. Quite frankly I can't be bothered.


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