Sunday, April 09, 2006


You may have noticed that the blog has been rather low on photos recently. This is because the digital camera, which was a 40th present for me and not that old really, decided to lie down and die. Or at least lie down and make dejected meeping noises. So any photos taken in the past three weeks have been on film and are therefore still in the camera. The structural works are due to start tomorrow, so here's a brief reminder of what needs done...
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Here's the wall from the old dining room side. Note the dip in the floor due to the weight of the unsupported wall.
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The view from this side gives a better idea of the scale of the job. The wall extends into the bar area well off the picture.

These photos were taken with L's film camera as it has a 24mm lens. She's about to get a new digital one so some more instant pics should be available as work progresses.


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