Monday, October 23, 2006

The long dark days of winter

Remaining to do
A lot of painting has been done, but there's still a lot to do. The function room is nearly finished but the other two rooms (residents' lounge and new dining room) haven't been started yet.
New furniture for the bedrooms arrives in the second week of November and it'll be stored in the function room until the bedrooms are ready for it.

November closedown
We've just given the go-ahead for the last major work in the hotel. This includes rewiring and redecoration work in the bedrooms, renovation of the ground floor and first floor gents' toilet and new carpets almost everywhere. The only other thing we want to get done is new lettering, lighting and painting on the front of the hotel. That involves scaffolding the whole front of the building and will therefore be expensive. We'll need to wait until the November work is finished and paid before we make a decision to continue.

"Loose the winter blues" urged an advertisement for Crieff Hydro which we spotted in the Saturday paper. We've got enough problems without winter blues on the loose!

Second anniversary
We've been here two years on Wednesday! Can you believe that? Time to make bold (and completely wrong) predictions for the coming year. Whatever happens it can't be as bad as this one!

Meanwhile it's been a beautiful day here in Jed. Lorna went out for a walk and took some pictures. Here's one I like...
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