Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year stampede

I read here that someone's going to try to set a new record for squeezing as many people as possible into a telephone box. The current record is 14 apparently.

If you can't make it to that event, you might want to try the Spread bar at 10pm on New Year's day...
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Lots of folk in Jedburgh only go to the pub once a year and today was the day. The evening saw a mix our younger regulars and some less familiar faces. Collecting glasses was a challenge! It was a good night.

Which is just as well because if 2007 follows the usual pattern the place will be dead for the next six weeks. From next Monday we'll be opening the bar at 4pm instead of noon. That'll be for 12 weeks while I'm on my course in Edinburgh.

The more perceptive of you will have noticed that it's ten to five in the morning. Maybe mooching around the office in the middle of the night isn't the best preparation for a good day's work. Time for bed (again).


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