Thursday, October 26, 2006

Facing facts

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Yes, the door facings have been fitted! Only eight weeks late! They were subcontracted and the subcontractor... didn't. so these ones were made by our tame joiner. I would mention him by name, but I know he reads this and I don't want him to get big headed:-) Anyway "Be nice to joiners" week was last week.

Other stuff. The new light fittings are up in the function room and look fab, but I'm going to wait for completion before showing a photo. The painters have now moved next door and are working on the residents' lounge. There have been plasterers working in the new dining room too.

The new kitchen has power now and the extractor seems to extract. It's much less noisy than the current one as the motor is outside (and a lot quieter anyway) so we should be able to communicate without having to lip read.

Monday is the grand close down. We'll be shut until almost the end of November. The floors will be up which will give ample opportunity to run all those network and telephone cables that I meant to do last month.


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