Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Food fights

Gastronomes should probably avoid Chicago now.
To see why have a look

I don't actually like the stuff that much. We had some earlier in the year with a bottle of Chateau d'Yquem which was sublime and remains by far the most expensive bottle of wine I've ever bought. The ideal accompaniment for it is supposed to be foie gras so I scampered along to Jenners and got a little tin of it. They went together beautifully but I'm sure if we had to we could find something equally calorific to complement the wine.

Of course if they ever think about banning Chateau d'Yquem (cruelty to grapes etc) then I'll be first to man the barricades!

Cruelty to hotel owners, however appears to be perfectly acceptable and not yet outlawed by the European parliament. The function room is drying out nicely, but rumour has it that the whole ceiling will have to be replaced. It's an insurance job so cost is not the problem, but the mess and time delay are. The insurance company swore on their auntie's grave that they'd be in touch to arrange a time to come and see the damage, but there has been no sign of them.

Painting continues, carpeting of the back stair began today (about 2/3 done) and plumbing in the 1st floor bathroom continues. Two guests in.


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