Thursday, December 07, 2006

A tale of two stairs

Bad things have happened this week. Let's ignore them and concentrate on good things.
For example...
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This is the main stair looking very pretty. It used to be dark wood and was extremely gloomy. Now it's the same colour scheme as the front hall, though since it was painted by proper painters it looks much better. You can also see the new handrail which was added last week. The only thing remaining to do here is the new carpet which will look something like this...
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This is the stair leading to the bedrooms and it's been carpeted, painted and generally prettied up. We need to find something to stand in the little alcove in place of the green street lamp.
Elsewhere, the 1st floor bathroom is being fitted out. We'll be using that as our own bathroom in a few weeks.

I ordered a copy of the new Linux operating system from Mandriva and tonight I got an email telling me that my order had been "transmitted to our logistical platform".

Which means, I think, that it has been put on a lorry for delivery.
Lorna's uncle Guy has enlightened me on some of my networking problems. "Routers are a pain in the neck" and "internal wireless cards are pants" seemed to summarise the situation and I think I'd come to roughly the same conclusion myself.


At 12:25 pm, Blogger The Wicksies said...

Hi John, following your Mandriva order and the transmitted to logistical platform how long did you wait until you had your hands on the goods?

The reason I ask is that my situation is similar and despite the site showing 4 to 6 working days for delivery I am still waiting 13 days later

Situation noted at

I would be interested to find out how long it took in your case



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