Monday, February 12, 2007

The fax of life

Our fax machine is old and tired, so I've spent the past couple of days setting up a fax server on the computer. Partial success so far - it sends (as long as the file is of a particular type) and doesn't receive at all. So that's something to keep me occupied in all this free time I have:-(

Painters were here today and they have finished stripping the flood damaged back wall of the function room. One of the cellars underneath appears to have been plastered - the other one hasn't been yet.

The coke machine has been fixed (new fan) and I need a new part for the dishwasher. Not the same one as last time, but with the same general result (detergent all over the floor). The part will be with us tomorrow by which time I'll be safely up in Edinburgh again.

Bookings continue to arrive with several bookings for parties of golfers coming in. Someone's doing something right and for once it looks as though it might be us. Last night's laterooms debacle turns out not to have been their fault... or ours. Work that out if you will.


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