Our first holiday in fifteen months was spent in various pleasant locations throughout England. We spent the evening of Valentine's day sitting in a hot tub in Warrington eating strawberries and cream (as you do) and the following day looking glumly at the M6 and M1.
We spent a pleasant evening
here, then continued to an undisclosed location in the New Forest where vast amounts of excellent food, fine wine and good company were to be found.
We consumed ludicrous amounts of bubbly, foie gras, fish, meat and chocolate coated pistachios. The latter, we have decided by process of elimination must be green vegetables (they're not animal or mineral and they're definitely green under the chocolate) and hence good for you. I'm not absolutely sure about Tiramisu though.
We did most of the return trip in one day, stopping
here. It was tastefully renovated - we were in the coach house which gave us some ideas for our own stables renovation project. Despite this we can't recommend it because if the (quite substantial) room rate doesn't include breakfast I expect someone to tell me when I check in. Additionally the sheets and crockery weren't totally clean. We came back today via Hawes where we stopped for lunch at a new cafe - Wilsons. It's in the main street in Hawes and has only been open for a week. Nice people, nice food and good coffee: what more could you ask for?
We hope it will do well and last longer than Jacksons the delicatessen in Jedburgh which opened about a year and a half ago and closed just before we left for our holidays. Colin and Debs tried their best, but the tourist season is short here and the local trade just wasn't there.