Getting the picture
I didn't take the digital camera on my recent trip to Ayrshire for two reasons. The main one is that I forgot it, but the other one is that it takes enormous jpeg files and you can only get about 15 pictures on the memory card. So I bought one of these cheap single use film cameras and, like all film cameras there are still a few shots remaining before the film is finished. Hopefully that'll happen tomorrow. There is plenty to photograph - walls filled with straw, cornicing and the recently uncovered niche for example.
One of the people we met on our trip to Arran was Robin Gray who is occasional chef at the Wineport and also the owner of Kingscross herbs which supplies organic vegetables and, presumably, herbs to the catering trade. There used to be a restaurant in Glasgow called Mitchells which was run by two chefs. One was called Robin and had a smallholding on Arran. I wonder if it's the same person. Mitchells has closed now and despite extensive Googling I can't find any more information about it.
There were painters and joiners in today. The painters spent all day painstakingly filling all the cracks in the function room ceiling. The joiners were building the new bar. D***** will be here on Tueday to discuss the works planned for November. We're going to close completely during November to allow the remainder of the upgrading work to be completed.