The lights are going out all over Jedburgh
and to prove it...

here's the infamous street light about to be consigned to the scrap heap by Lorna...

and here it is on the skip. Guess who carried it downstairs (clue - he does not appear in the photos)
Meanwhile, our tepid hero continues his attempt to drag the Spread Eagle into the 21st century by installing network cables. He locates a position above the ceiling of the corridor leading to the bar, carefully measures the distance between spotlight and wall and drills a hole in the ceiling...
..which can't be found from above. Also, the drill bit seems to be drilling through lots of wood.
Much swearing (under breath of course - this is a family blog)
Another hole is drilled slightly closer to the spotlight. Distances are measured to the millimetre. Hole is not visible from above.
Much swearing (louder this time)
Her ladyship swans in in her dressing gown and asks stupid questions such as "Are you sure it's the right spotlight?" (there are three in a row)
Our hero goes very quiet, goes downstairs and re-measures everything from below, then drills yet another hole - this time next to the middle spotlight...
Returns to find her ladyship looking smug. This happens quite often.
The cables are now mostly installed...

Here is a picture showing both the network cables and the truly disastrous state of the floorboards. Visitors through the summer who noticed that the floor went "DOINK" when you stood on it - here's why.